Posted on May 2nd, 2023
Now I want to amaze you with my mathematical skills. If you are driving at 60mph, that is equal to 1 mile a minute and that equals 88 feet per second. Now why is that so important? Well, if you happen to look down to text while you are driving or read a text, and it takes you 2 seconds, you will travel 176 feet not watching the road. That is over half a football field. Imagine where you could end up or what you could hit in that brief 2 seconds.
OK, more math. In that same two seconds, a car coming in the other direction going the same speed could be 352 feet away (117 yards) and you would meet in that same 2 seconds. Guess what could happen? How many needless deaths and injuries have occurred because of that very thing?
I had a friend that was driving home one day and a teenager in the other lane was changing CDs. She drifted into his lane and hit him head-on. She survived but he didn’t.
Driving is a very serious activity. It demands our full attention. Here’s a plan.
Don’t give yourself a chance to make a 2-second mistake that could cost you or someone else a life.
A message from P.H.A.S.E.
(Preventive Health and Safety Engagement)
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