3 Winter Safety Tips

3 Winter Safety Tips

Posted on January 25th, 2024

Here we are in the middle of winter. Temperatures are dropping and snow and ice are falling. PLEASE take the time to read this blog on 3 important tips for winter.

1. Watch out for Carbon Monoxide (CO) – Every year, there are around 1000 deaths in the US related to CO. The statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also state that there were over 100,000 emergency room visits and 14,000 admissions.

The root sources include generators, portable heaters, furnaces that burn coal, gas, and wood, clogged chimneys, and cars running in the garage. By the way, our atmosphere’s CO level is sitting at about .9 parts per million (ppm) unless you live in the Ohio Valley (Ohio down through Kentucky to Missouri) where it is 2.5 ppm. You don’t need any additional CO from other sources.

CDC Recommendations include:

· A CO detector (battery or battery backup). This should be checked every year and changed every 5 years.

· Adequate ventilation of gas appliances

· Chimneys checked and or cleaned every year

The CDC also recommends never using a stove or oven for heating the home, and never using a generator, portable gas camp stove, or portable flameless chemical heater indoors. Generators should be operated more than 20 feet from a window or door, with exhaust pointed away from a building.

2. Shoveling Snow – Every year in the US, there are around 11,500 medical emergencies, of those 770 cardiac (heart) emergencies, and 100 deaths due to shoveling snow. Those that are at greatest risk are those with known heart conditions followed closely by those at greater risk for heart disease (obese, smokers, diabetics, and the elderly).

Just behind cardiac events were musculoskeletal injuries such as back and shoulder injuries. Remember, shoveling snow is a very vigorous and demanding activity. Here are some recommendations.

· Shovel some at a time and take frequent breaks

· Stay well hydrated

· Use a smaller shovel or decrease the load on the larger ones

· Avoid heavy meals and caffeine before shoveling

· If you are at risk, have someone aware that you are shoveling and checking on you when you periodically.

3. Automobile Accidents – Each year, an average of 1,836 deaths and 136,309 injuries are attributed to conditions on icy and snowy roads. (Check out Defensivedriving.org) What can be done to reduce the risk of being involved in a snow or ice-related accident?

· Make sure your car is in good repair. This includes tires, windshield wipers, exhaust system, and brakes.

· Don’t start out until your car is free from snow and ice. NEVER drive without having the windshield, mirrors, and windows clear of all snow and ice.

· Drive extra defensively remaining alert and totally focused on driving.

· SLOW DOWN – Never rush or be in a hurry

· Don’t travel in inclement weather unless absolutely necessary

· When stopping, break sooner and easier

· Leave plenty of space between you and other vehicles

· Choose safer routes when possible

· When bad weather approaches, try to keep your gas tank as full as possible.

· Keep Additional supplies in your car like boots, gloves, a shovel, water, snacks, blankets, flashlight, car phone charger and I am sure you can think of more.

This isn’t everything but a few important things to think about and a few tips that I am hoping will help.

Please be safe this winter.

a message from


(Preventive Health and Safety Engagement)

Allen Daugherty

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